Globalization of education has allowed students from all over the world to go to various countries of their choice to pursue a degree in the field of their choice. It has its own share of advantages as well as disadvantages, but what doesn’t have. Everything has its own share of advantages and disadvantages like the two faces of a coin. But I am not really bothered about any of it, as my motives behind writing this is entirely different and insignificant as well but my inspiration for this post comes from my Facebook “wall”.
I started going through few statistics and I found out that India is one of the recognized centres of education attracting students from different parts of the world, especially from countries like Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Ethiopia, Fiji, Hong Kong, Iran, Iraq, Jordan, Kenya, Japan, Ghana, Malaysia, Lebanon, Mauritius, Sri Lanka, Nepal and Syria. The list is exhaustive, it has got almost all the countries in the region except for Pakistan and China (They have their own reasons I guess, but who cares..!!!). Any ways, Indians are not far behind, the number of students from India going abroad to pursue higher studies is growing every year. According to Times of India, US, UK, France, Australia, Germany and Japan are the most favored destinations for Indian students. China sends the largest number of students abroad followed by India and other countries. Now according to few statistics, India has a low rate of students going abroad compared to global average it seems, but according to numbers, we stand second right on the tail of China. Now come on, don’t be surprised… We have a population of somewhere around 1.2 billion and China has more than us…So when it comes to numbers will always be somewhere on the top.
What do our guys and girls do, after going there…? My guess, they will study hard…attend classes and complete the course work to graduate, which most of them do with flying colors and hopefully they will end up working in some reputed company and earn a hefty salary if they are lucky. Now, everyone knows this, and it does not come as a surprise to most of us. But… most of the people I know (or at least I pretend to know just because I am friends with them on Facebook..!!) do something else which always keeps me wondering…and it has also got me under a perception that they go out to learn how to cook Indian food which they would never have learnt if they had stayed back in India..!!!
Surprised?? Shocked?? Do you smell a hint of sarcasm in my words?? I guess so, but even you will start thinking the same if your Facebook wall starts looking like mine. I can see one or the other (sometimes 2 or more) “friend/friends” uploading pictures of the food they cooked at their place. Let’s say, they are excited to be cooking something new…But pictures of Indian food?? Come on…give me a break, we see and eat it every day or almost every day. If you are one of them and unless you are doing a course in hotel management or learning to be a chef, please concentrate on your work or studies more than garnishing, decorating and then taking pictures of “Indian” food (FYI, the food tastes the same with or without your artistic touch) .
In the end it is Facebook to be blamed for trying to tempt me by displaying the “foodilicious” updates on my wall and forced me to write this entry.
Disclaimer: If you are one of those people whom I may have intentionally or unintentionally described in this post, then please relax and don’t make any attempts to harm me for I come in peace and I would like you to keep on adding more pictures. J