Monday, November 14, 2011

Shaken,not stirred

One question I recently came across while working out at the gym: How does protein shakes and increased protein intake helps in burning fat? (He was talking about Whey Protein supplements) Now, I thought the answer is simple for that question as one or two possible explanations popped into my mind at that instant which I told my friend. But after some time, I was myself not so sure about it, even though my reasoning was scientific enough but still I just had to be sure about it. So, I turned to the omnipotent, all knowing internet. And guess what, I managed to find information regarding it, in the form of numerous articles and published research papers. It gave a lot of possible mechanisms through which the body may lose fat as well as reduce weight by using whey protein supplements or including it as a part of the diet. Damn..!! Wasn’t I surprised….???

According to the various studies conducted, it is found that the whey protein may bring about fat loss and reduce weight by following ways:

1) Through the chemical channel, by regulating the hunger and satiety mechanism in the body, which is regulated by various chemicals. These chemicals, better known as hormones along with physiological and psychological factor controls a person’s urge to eat and also the feeling of fullness. One such hormone involve in this is cholecystokinin, which is responsible for the satiety or the felling of fullness one feels after a meal. The cholecystokinin (CCK) is released in the gastrointestinal tract and it interacts with the CCK receptors in the central nervous system and its periphery along with other hormones.

The whey protein intake is found to increase the CCK levels by 60 percent in plasma along with glucagon like peptide [GLP]-1 and glucose dependant insulinotropic polypeptide, post-absorption. CCK and [GLP]-1 are found to bring about satiety and hence check the food intake.

2) It is also found I certain studies that insulin sensitivity improves with high protein diet, which also plays an important role in weight loss. (Higher the insulin sensitivity lesser the amount of insulin required by the body. Increased secretion of insulin leads to increased food intake – happens in case of insulin resistance. As compared to other protein sources, including a diet rich in red meat, whey protein is found to reduce tissue lipid levels and increase insulin sensitivity.

3) In a certain study it was concluded that protein intake a hour prior to exercise maintains the lipid oxidation rate and also increases protein oxidation, supplying energy from both protein as well as lipid sources and simultaneously increasing the lean muscle mass and reducing fat. And this is proven in rats also, so even rats can hit the gym after taking protein supplements and dodge the cats effective afterwards, or even make those cats run for their lives.

4) Whey protein also has considerable effect on the levels of serotonin, a neurotransmitter. Serotonin affects the moods and behavior of a person. Higher levels of serotonin means relaxed, calm mood, free from anxiety. An added benefit to all fitness enthusiasts, martial artists and especially the people on diet cutting down their calorie intake who tend to become easily irritable and others whose moods tend to swing like a monkey from one branch to another due to various reasons, whey protein supplements lets people around them breathe easy.

5) A study on people trying to lose weight whose diet is cut down by 500 calories per day and were given a specialized whey fraction or an isocaloric ready mix drink 20 minutes prior to breakfast or dinner over a period of 12 weeks have shown that the subjects who were on whey supplement lost more body fat mass and showed a greater preservation of lean muscle as compared to those who were on other ready mix isocaloric beverage.

Dairy proteins, like the whey protein has calcium in it which is also believed to regulate adipocyte lipid metabolism and storage of triglycerides and in turn reduce fat mass and body weight.

Now, after going through all these, I could breathe easy as whatever reasons I gave to my friend was right, even though I did not know some additional details which I have come to know by the end of this entry.

By the way, if anyone has read or heard about these studies or by chance stumbled across this entry of mine (usually by accident) and decide to binge on whey protein or any other protein supplements to gain lean muscle mass or lose body fat mass, be warned that excess proteins will do no good than burning holes through your pockets, screwing up your liver and kidneys and also increase the fat cells in the body.

I guess I’ve started sounding like a nutritionist or something and all these talk about proteins and supplements reminds me of my old job which I don’t miss at all. But it’s all fine as long as it is for a good cause..

ref: Source-1 

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